Sudan News Gazette

Updates from Sudan!

Day: May 19, 2023

Africa Asean MENA Pakistan Press Releases South Africa

St Kitts and Nevis stands out for its strong Rule of Law and well-regulated citizenship by investment programme

Basseterre, May 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programmes are often evaluated based on security, protection of property and human rights as well as general stability. The rule of law is a principle that is typically used to test the strength of a country’s system of laws. For countries like St Kitts […]

Africa Press Releases South Africa

Presidente do Avia Solutions Group Gediminas Ziemelis: 10 grandes desafios para a sustentabilidade da aviação comercial para os próximos 3 anos

DUBLIN, Irlanda, May 18, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Garantir operações sustentáveis tornou-se uma das principais motivações das empresas de aviação nos últimos anos. No entanto, esse setor dinâmico enfrenta uma infinidade de desafios que podem impedir os esforços das empresas para aumentar a lucratividade Embora vários fatores contribuam para as dificuldades do setor de aviação, […]

Africa Press Releases South Africa

Les 10 grands défis des 3 prochaines années pour la durabilité de l’industrie du transport aérien de passagers, selon Gediminas Ziemelis, président d’Avia Solutions Group

DUBLIN, Irlande, 18 mai 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ces dernières années, garantir une exploitation durable est devenu un objectif fondamental pour les entreprises du secteur de l’aviation. Néanmoins, cette industrie changeante est confrontée à une multitude de défis pouvant entraver les efforts dont les entreprises font preuve pour l’optimisation de leur rentabilité. Bien que plusieurs […]

Buying & Selling

Syrian-Indian talks on boosting cooperation in industrial and economic fields

Minister of Industry, Abdul Qader Jokhadar, discussed with Chargé d’Affairs of the Indian Embassy in Damascus, Vijay Pandey means to enhance relations of joint cooperation between Syria and India in various industrial and economic fields.During the mee…

Internal Affairs

Russia is ready to strengthen ties with countries of the Middle East- Putin says

Russia attaches great attention to strengthen ties with countries of the Middle East and North Africa , including that within the framework of the dialogue with the League of Arab States (LAS), Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a message address…

Internal Affairs

President al-Assad, Prince Mohammed bin Salman discuss the bilateral relations, developments in Arab arena

President Bashar al-Assad discussed Friday with Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud, bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries, and developments in the Arab arena in light of the positive atmosphere in…

Internal Affairs

Jeddah declaration: Intensifying efforts to help Syria overcome crisis in line with Arab interest

The leaders, presidents and kings of the Arab countries stressed the importance of continuing and intensifying the Arab efforts aimed at helping Syria overcome the crisis in line with the common Arab interest and the fraternal relations that unite all …