‫عناية تستحقها – Olymptrade تحتفل بعامها العاشر

سانت فنسنت وغرينادين – Media Out Reach Newswire – 4 أكتوبر 2024 – في أكتوبر من هذا العام تحتفل منصة التداول العالمية على الإنترنت Olymptrade بالعام العاشر على تواجدها في السوق بأكثر من مئة مليون متداول في 130 دولة. وللاحتفاء بهذا الإنجاز فقد أعلنت Olymptrade عن اسم وشعار جديدين وتصميم جديد للمنصة. حيث يؤكد الشعار الجديد “عناية تستحقها” على التزام الشركة المتواصل بأن تقدِّم للمتداولين خدمات ودعم يحظيان بثقتهم.

فقد وضعنا في اعتبارنا عند تطوير منصة التداول Olymptrade أن يكون التصميم بسيطًا وسهل الاستخدام، لكي يتمكن المتداولون الجدد والخبراء على السواء من تحقيق أهدافهم بأسرع من ذي قبل، بدءً من صفحة تسجيل الدخول على منصة Olymptrade. وما زال تركيز منصة التداول Olymptrade منصبًا على مستخدميها حيث توفر لهم أدوات التداول والدعم والشفافية بالإضافة إلى حساب تجريبي مجاني للتدريب على التداول وتطبيق تداول على الجوال لتحقيق أرباح سريعة أينما كانوا.

تستضيف منصة Olymptrade كجزء من هذا الاحتفاء أنشطة لمجتمع التداول لديها على مدار شهر أكتوبر، وتوجه الدعوة للمتداولين للتواصل واستعراض قصص نجاحهم على صفحات المنصة على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي معًا. وسوف يُعلن عن الفائزين في نوفمبر ومنحهم جوائز تشمل التداول على سلع حصرية وعمليات تداول خالية من المخاطر.

مفهوم العناية لدى Olymptrade كان دائمًا في صميم نجاحها. حيث يعكس شعار “عناية تستحقها” اهتمام الشركة بدعم المتداولين في كل خطوة والتأكد من شعورهم بالأهمية والحماية طوال مسيرتهم في التداول.

Olymptrade. Care that counts


Care that counts — Olymptrade celebrates 10th anniversary

ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES  – Media OutReach Newswire– 4 October 2024 – This October, Olymptrade, a global online trading platform, marks 10 years in the market with over 100 million traders across 130 countries. To celebrate the milestone, Olymptrade has introduced a refreshed name, logo and platform design. Its new slogan, “Care that counts,” emphasizes the company’s ongoing commitment to providing reliable services and support to traders.

Olymptrade’s updated trading platform is designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind, so both new and experienced traders can achieve their goals faster than ever, starting right from the Olymptrade login page. The trading platform is staying focused on its users, offering them trading tools, support and transparency, along with a free demo account for practice and a mobile trading app for making profits on the go.

As part of the celebration, Olymptrade is hosting activities for its community throughout October, inviting traders to share their success stories and connect on the platform’s social media pages. The winners will be announced in November, with prizes including exclusive merchandise and risk-free trades.

Olymptrade’s caring approach has always been at the core of its success. The “Care that counts” slogan reflects the company’s focus on supporting traders at every step, ensuring they feel valued and protected throughout their trading journey.

Olymptrade. Care that counts.


‫ نوفو نورديسك الخليج تحصل على شهادة أفضل مكان عمل المرموقة في الكويت وقطر والبحرين وعُمَان لعام 2024

مدينة الكويت، الكويت – Media OutReach Newswire – 4 أكتوبر 2024 – حصلت شركة نوفو نورديسك الخليج، الشركة العالمية الرائدة في مجال الرعاية الصحية، على شهادة أفضل مكان عمل لعام 2024 في الكويت وقطر والبحرين وعُمَان، وتسلط هذه الشهادة الضوء على تفاني الشركة في تهيئة بيئة عمل داعمة ومبتكرة وشاملة لموظفيها مع الالتزام بأداء مهمتها التي تهدف إلى دفع عجلة التغيير للقضاء على الأمراض المزمنة الخطيرة.

خلال عملية الترشيح للحصول على الشهادة، حصلت نوفو نورديسك الخليج على تقييمات عالية في مجالات رئيسية بما في ذلك إشراك الموظفين ودعم القيادة وثقافة مكان العمل، وتؤكد هذه العوامل على نجاح الشركة في تهيئة مكان عمل مبهج يتماشى مع هدفها الأعم المتمثل في تحسين النتائج الصحية في جميع أنحاء منطقة الخليج.

أعرب فينكات كاليان، نائب رئيس ومدير عام شركة نوفو نورديسك الخليج، عن فخره بهذا الإنجاز قائلًا: “يشرفنا حصول شركة نوفو نورديسك الخليج على شهادة أفضل مكان عمل. هدفنا هو دفع عجلة التغيير للقضاء على الأمراض المزمنة الخطيرة، وتدل هذه الشهادة على التزامنا بهذا الهدف، فضلاً عن الجهود القيمة التي يبذلها زملائنا لتهيئة مكان عمل يتسم بالابتكار والشمول والحفاظ عليه”.

كما علق أيدوجان كانتيمور، مدير الموظفين والتنظيم في نوفو نورديسك الخليج، على إنجاز الشركة قائلًا: “في نوفو نورديسك الخليج، نحن ملتزمون بأن نكون أفضل مكان عمل” من خلال تطوير بيئة عملنا باستمرار وتهيئة أفضل مناخ عمل للموظفين عن طريق تطبيق ممارسات الموارد البشرية الواقعية والمبتكرة. نحن فخورون بتكريمنا بصفتنا أفضل مكان للعمل في الخليج مرة أخرى، وهذا الأمر يمنحنا الثقة بأننا على المسار الصحيح”.

نبذة عن نوفو نورديسك

نوفو نورديسك شركة عالمية متخصصة في مجال الرعاية الصحية، وتتميز بالإبداع والريادة لأكثر من 95 عامًا في مجال رعاية مرضى السكري. يقع المقر الرئيسي لشركة نوفو نورديسك في الدنمارك، وهي تتصدر أيضًا مجالات رعاية مرضى الهيموفيليا والعلاج بهرمون النمو والعلاج بالهرمونات البديلة. تضم الشركة ما يقرب من 70,000 موظف في 80 دولة وتسوق منتجاتها في أكثر من 170 دولة.

‎لمعرفة مزيد من المعلومات عن شركة نوفو نورديسك والتزامها برعاية موظفيها ومرضاها، يُرجى زيارة www.novonordisk.com

لمعرفة مزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى زيارة www.bestplacestoworkfor.org.

لينكد إن: https://www.linkedin.com/company/best-places-to-work-program/

تويتر:  http://www.twitter/bptw4

BUSINESSNEXT and InterTech form strategic alliance to accelerate Autonomous banking operations in Oman

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Oct. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BUSINESSNEXT a universe of composable enterprise solutions for banks and financial services, is thrilled to announce its strategic partnership with InterTech, a trusted IT solutions provider and systems integrator with 30+ years of experience serving top financial institutions and banks in Oman, to drive AI powered banking operations and craft a next-generation customer experiences platform for the banking sector.

The collaboration between InterTech and BUSINESSNEXT aims to transform Oman’s banking industry by enhancing customer experiences, streamlining operations, and fostering business growth. This partnership combines modern technology, domain expertise, business consultation, and implementation services to provide impactful customer experience and relationship management solutions for banks in the region.

Mr. Vishal Khurana, Region Head – Middle East and Africa, BUSINESSNEXT, stated, “We are excited to partner with InterTech to further accelerate the delivery of our innovative solutions to Oman Banking Sector. This alliance will empower banks in Oman to navigate the complexities of digital transformation and achieve remarkable growth and efficiency.”

InterTech’s extensive regional expertise in the banking industry will be instrumental in the successful deployment of BUSINESSNEXT’s solutions. This collaboration ensures that financial institutions can integrate these cutting-edge technologies seamlessly, resulting in enhanced customer engagement, improved service delivery, and greater operational agility.

Mr. Firas Alachahef, General Manager of InterTech, added, “This is an exciting partnership that will enable us to push boundaries within the Financial and Banking sector in Oman to bring the latest and most innovative solutions to our long-standing clients. We are thrilled to work with BUSINESSNEXT and look forward to a successful and long-term relationship.”

This collaboration marks a pivotal moment in banking solutions, introducing unprecedented innovation and a profound focus on customer needs, resulting in increased cross-selling opportunities, enhanced Net Promoter Scores (NPS), massive reduction in customer servicing costs, faster go-to-market, and much more.


BUSINESSNEXT offers composable enterprise solutions focused on global banks and financial services. Recognized as a leader by Forrester, it uses AI and ML-driven cloud platforms—CRMNEXT, CUSTOMERNEXT, DATANEXT & WORKNEXT—to enable digital transformation. Its modular hyper SaaS modular solutions provide seamless integration and plug-and-play capabilities. Serving over 1 million users across 65,000 branches and call centers, BUSINESSNEXT manages 1 billion customers worldwide. With headquarters in Raleigh, USA, and Noida, India, the company operates in 14 countries across 5 continents.

For Media Inquiries:
Ajay Joshi

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9251277

BUSINESSNEXT and InterTech form strategic alliance to accelerate Autonomous banking operations in Oman

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Oct. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BUSINESSNEXT a universe of composable enterprise solutions for banks and financial services, is thrilled to announce its strategic partnership with InterTech, a trusted IT solutions provider and systems integrator with 30+ years of experience serving top financial institutions and banks in Oman, to drive AI powered banking operations and craft a next-generation customer experiences platform for the banking sector.

The collaboration between InterTech and BUSINESSNEXT aims to transform Oman’s banking industry by enhancing customer experiences, streamlining operations, and fostering business growth. This partnership combines modern technology, domain expertise, business consultation, and implementation services to provide impactful customer experience and relationship management solutions for banks in the region.

Mr. Vishal Khurana, Region Head – Middle East and Africa, BUSINESSNEXT, stated, “We are excited to partner with InterTech to further accelerate the delivery of our innovative solutions to Oman Banking Sector. This alliance will empower banks in Oman to navigate the complexities of digital transformation and achieve remarkable growth and efficiency.”

InterTech’s extensive regional expertise in the banking industry will be instrumental in the successful deployment of BUSINESSNEXT’s solutions. This collaboration ensures that financial institutions can integrate these cutting-edge technologies seamlessly, resulting in enhanced customer engagement, improved service delivery, and greater operational agility.

Mr. Firas Alachahef, General Manager of InterTech, added, “This is an exciting partnership that will enable us to push boundaries within the Financial and Banking sector in Oman to bring the latest and most innovative solutions to our long-standing clients. We are thrilled to work with BUSINESSNEXT and look forward to a successful and long-term relationship.”

This collaboration marks a pivotal moment in banking solutions, introducing unprecedented innovation and a profound focus on customer needs, resulting in increased cross-selling opportunities, enhanced Net Promoter Scores (NPS), massive reduction in customer servicing costs, faster go-to-market, and much more.


BUSINESSNEXT offers composable enterprise solutions focused on global banks and financial services. Recognized as a leader by Forrester, it uses AI and ML-driven cloud platforms—CRMNEXT, CUSTOMERNEXT, DATANEXT & WORKNEXT—to enable digital transformation. Its modular hyper SaaS modular solutions provide seamless integration and plug-and-play capabilities. Serving over 1 million users across 65,000 branches and call centers, BUSINESSNEXT manages 1 billion customers worldwide. With headquarters in Raleigh, USA, and Noida, India, the company operates in 14 countries across 5 continents.

For Media Inquiries:
Ajay Joshi

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9251277

BUSINESSNEXT and InterTech form strategic alliance to accelerate Autonomous banking operations in Oman

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Oct. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BUSINESSNEXT a universe of composable enterprise solutions for banks and financial services, is thrilled to announce its strategic partnership with InterTech, a trusted IT solutions provider and systems integrator with 30+ years of experience serving top financial institutions and banks in Oman, to drive AI powered banking operations and craft a next-generation customer experiences platform for the banking sector.

The collaboration between InterTech and BUSINESSNEXT aims to transform Oman’s banking industry by enhancing customer experiences, streamlining operations, and fostering business growth. This partnership combines modern technology, domain expertise, business consultation, and implementation services to provide impactful customer experience and relationship management solutions for banks in the region.

Mr. Vishal Khurana, Region Head – Middle East and Africa, BUSINESSNEXT, stated, “We are excited to partner with InterTech to further accelerate the delivery of our innovative solutions to Oman Banking Sector. This alliance will empower banks in Oman to navigate the complexities of digital transformation and achieve remarkable growth and efficiency.”

InterTech’s extensive regional expertise in the banking industry will be instrumental in the successful deployment of BUSINESSNEXT’s solutions. This collaboration ensures that financial institutions can integrate these cutting-edge technologies seamlessly, resulting in enhanced customer engagement, improved service delivery, and greater operational agility.

Mr. Firas Alachahef, General Manager of InterTech, added, “This is an exciting partnership that will enable us to push boundaries within the Financial and Banking sector in Oman to bring the latest and most innovative solutions to our long-standing clients. We are thrilled to work with BUSINESSNEXT and look forward to a successful and long-term relationship.”

This collaboration marks a pivotal moment in banking solutions, introducing unprecedented innovation and a profound focus on customer needs, resulting in increased cross-selling opportunities, enhanced Net Promoter Scores (NPS), massive reduction in customer servicing costs, faster go-to-market, and much more.


BUSINESSNEXT offers composable enterprise solutions focused on global banks and financial services. Recognized as a leader by Forrester, it uses AI and ML-driven cloud platforms—CRMNEXT, CUSTOMERNEXT, DATANEXT & WORKNEXT—to enable digital transformation. Its modular hyper SaaS modular solutions provide seamless integration and plug-and-play capabilities. Serving over 1 million users across 65,000 branches and call centers, BUSINESSNEXT manages 1 billion customers worldwide. With headquarters in Raleigh, USA, and Noida, India, the company operates in 14 countries across 5 continents.

For Media Inquiries:
Ajay Joshi

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9251277

BUSINESSNEXT and InterTech form strategic alliance to accelerate Autonomous banking operations in Oman

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Oct. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BUSINESSNEXT a universe of composable enterprise solutions for banks and financial services, is thrilled to announce its strategic partnership with InterTech, a trusted IT solutions provider and systems integrator with 30+ years of experience serving top financial institutions and banks in Oman, to drive AI powered banking operations and craft a next-generation customer experiences platform for the banking sector.

The collaboration between InterTech and BUSINESSNEXT aims to transform Oman’s banking industry by enhancing customer experiences, streamlining operations, and fostering business growth. This partnership combines modern technology, domain expertise, business consultation, and implementation services to provide impactful customer experience and relationship management solutions for banks in the region.

Mr. Vishal Khurana, Region Head – Middle East and Africa, BUSINESSNEXT, stated, “We are excited to partner with InterTech to further accelerate the delivery of our innovative solutions to Oman Banking Sector. This alliance will empower banks in Oman to navigate the complexities of digital transformation and achieve remarkable growth and efficiency.”

InterTech’s extensive regional expertise in the banking industry will be instrumental in the successful deployment of BUSINESSNEXT’s solutions. This collaboration ensures that financial institutions can integrate these cutting-edge technologies seamlessly, resulting in enhanced customer engagement, improved service delivery, and greater operational agility.

Mr. Firas Alachahef, General Manager of InterTech, added, “This is an exciting partnership that will enable us to push boundaries within the Financial and Banking sector in Oman to bring the latest and most innovative solutions to our long-standing clients. We are thrilled to work with BUSINESSNEXT and look forward to a successful and long-term relationship.”

This collaboration marks a pivotal moment in banking solutions, introducing unprecedented innovation and a profound focus on customer needs, resulting in increased cross-selling opportunities, enhanced Net Promoter Scores (NPS), massive reduction in customer servicing costs, faster go-to-market, and much more.


BUSINESSNEXT offers composable enterprise solutions focused on global banks and financial services. Recognized as a leader by Forrester, it uses AI and ML-driven cloud platforms—CRMNEXT, CUSTOMERNEXT, DATANEXT & WORKNEXT—to enable digital transformation. Its modular hyper SaaS modular solutions provide seamless integration and plug-and-play capabilities. Serving over 1 million users across 65,000 branches and call centers, BUSINESSNEXT manages 1 billion customers worldwide. With headquarters in Raleigh, USA, and Noida, India, the company operates in 14 countries across 5 continents.

For Media Inquiries:
Ajay Joshi

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9251277